Ricky Pond, who is dubbed as the 'Dancing Dad' from the US and known for his impressive dance reels on Instagram, is now in Mumbai, India. In a series of posts online, he expressed his love for the country through dancing and posing at some of the popular spots of Mumbai and also hitting some dance moves with Mumbai cop Amol Kamble, who is famously known as 'Dancing Cop'. The influencer visited Mumbai during between August 24 to September 3. along with his son, Dallin. Now, his videos of touring the city and dancing with Kamble have caught the attention of internet users.
In case you haven't watched them already, let us tell you that Ricky Pond's India tour posting started with them announcing their trip to fans on August 14. Celebrating India's Independence Day a day later, they uploaded a video cheering for the country and letting people go that they are coming soon.
Ricky Pond, son tour Mumbai
As they landed in Mumbai, they toured through some of the landmark spots in the city including the Gateway of India and Marine Drive. The father-son duo were not only seen dancing on the streets of Mumbai but also enjoying some local cuisine, as they tried some Mumbai chaat dishes and sipped fresh coconut water.
Hitting some dance moves!
In one of the fun videos that rolled out from their visit to India, they were seen hitting the dance floor with Amol Kamble, the city-based policeman who has an online presence displaying his passion for dance. The trio was seen grooving to the energetic 'Bad Munda' song. With joyous smiles and cool looks, they enjoyed dancing to the beat. The dance reel was shared online on September 2 and it has already gone viral on Instagram by attracting more than six lakh views.