Ghaziabad: The craze for making reels has gripped the youth across the country, with some willing to go to any extent to garner a few likes and become famous on social media. In another such incident, a girl fell from the sixth floor of a building in Ghaziabad while making an Instagram reel. She was standing on the balcony of her house when her mobile slipped from her hand. She fell off the balcony while trying to catch the phone and suffered serious injuries. A video of the girl crying in pain and her mother scolding her has surfaced on social media.
The girl, identified as Monisha (16), lived in Cloud-9 Society, located in the Indirapuram area of Ghaziabad. She was rushed to the hospital in critical condition after falling from the sixth floor. A video that went viral on social media shows the girl lying on the ground as people rush to help and take her to the hospital. As they lifted her, she cried out in pain, repeatedly asking her mother to call her father, saying, "Maa, Papa ko bula do." (Mom, please call papa).
In the video, the girl's mother can be heard scolding her for her obsession with making reels, saying, "Bahut gandi ladki hai, apne maa-baap ka naam kharab karegi." (She is a very bad girl; she will spoil the name of her parents). Reports indicate that the girl was taken to the hospital in time and is now out of danger, receiving treatment for her injuries.
Witnesses were shocked by the sight of the girl’s condition. Some commented on her critical state, noting that her leg appeared to be broken from the fall. Several incidents like this have occurred where people have suffered serious injuries or even lost their lives while making reels. Youths should exercise caution while creating videos for social media and should not risk their lives for a few likes and followers.