A King Cobra was spotted and rescued from a village in Andhra Pradesh and reportedly released later in the forest. The Kanchili area of the Telugu-speaking state, near Sompet, Srikakulam, was struck in fear after witnessing a 13-foot-long cobra in the vicinity.
The concerning issue and resultant fear were brought to control by a snake catcher named Balaraju who reached the spot at the earliest after receiving the information. According to local media reports, some labourers who were going to farm work came across the reptile and alerted Balaraju for help.
A video showing two people carefully holding the reptile on the streets of Andhra Pradesh has surfaced online. It was tweeted by a journalist named Ashish, who wrote, "The King of Eastern Ghat...Despite being the longest venomous snake in the world, the king cobra is timid by nature and prefers to escape if it encounters human beings. The reptile is placed under Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act."
Three king cobras were recently seen in the Devarapalli village of the Anakapalli district when some local youths went that way, reported Telugu Samayam, while adding that the same was brought to the notice of the forest officials for necessary action.