A video of a young artist recreating the heavy dialogues of Deepika Padukone from the Bollywood film 'Padmavati' has surfaced on social media and gone viral. It shows a girl named Kiara Khanna dressed in a costume similar to what reel Queen Padmavati adorns in the scene as she says, "Jab Talwar Rakh Hi Dee Thi Toh Kaat Hi Dete Uska Sar, Mauka Tha, Aur Badal Dete Itihaas K Panne..."
Take a look at the video below
WATCH: Original scene from the film Padmavati
Netizens react
The viral video shows the girl killing it with her facial expressions. The emotions she portrays to nail the dub have impressed netizens. Heart emojis poured in the comments section along with messages that praised Kiara and her acting skills. People also blessed her to achieve great heights and shine with success.
"Superstar" was the name given to her by Instagram users after they watched her performance aptly to the dialogues.
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