New Delhi: On Tuesday evening, firing took place at Delhi's Jafrabad area that left four men shot and injured. They were identified as Sameer Khopad (20), Abdul Hasan (18), Arbaaz (25), and Hamza (20). Following the information regarding the incident that took place around 9 pm at street No. 38, the police team was dispatched to the spot.
Chilling CCTV video surfaces
The incident was recorded on a CCTV camera in the premises and has now surfaced online. It shows three men casually walking through the street and returning on the same route to being the attack. Some people could be seen seated on the roadside and resting on their bikes, who became victims of the sudden firing that broke out there.
Victims undergo medical care
"On the spot empty cartridges were found and it was learned that the injured had been taken to JPC Hospital after which a team was sent to the hospital," a senior police official told media, while adding, "Sameer got bullet injury on his waist, Abdul sustained bullet injury on his hip, Arbaaz got bullet injury on his back and Hamza had a bullet injury on his chest."
Media reports stated that Sameer, Arbaaz, and Hamza had previous criminal records. It was learned that the four are undergoing further treatment at the national capital's Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. G.T.B. Hospital.
Police action follows
Multiple teams were formed to nab the culprits with the help of a close examination of the available CCTV footage. The police assured necessary legal action was being undertaken and further investigation is underway concerning all angles, including personnel enmity.