A video of an Indian television channel reporter covering the Delhi floods near Red Fort took the internet by storm recently. Among the many reporters on the field who covered the incident, his video went viral and received praise from netizens. However, another video from the site has exposed the reality and the truth behind the news reporting clip.
WATCH: Reporting video that went viral
Was the area really waterlogged or did the channel staff play camera tricks to mislead viewers by reporting in neck-deep water? When the people of Delhi spotted this journalist reporting in their vicinity, they took to record his video as they found something fishy. It was learned that despite a clear roadway on the other side which barely showed any signs of flooding in the area, he jumped to the space below a skywalk that was waterlogged.
Keeping away the clear road from the camera, the channel only showed their audience the scenes from the waterlogged side of the region. Another video doing rounds the internet this Saturday exposed how the reporter manipulated his news report on the Delhi floods. Soon after learning the exact scenario, people slammed the reporter for his "drama."