A chilling incident of hit-and-run was reported from Nagpur near the Airport road. Visuals from there showed how two bikers identified as Rakesh Gate and Akash Tekam were thrown off the two-wheeler after a car hit them and were recklessly dragged for three kilometres. The car driver instead of attending the injured bikers chose to continue driving on the road. The Nagpur Police is on the lookout for the accused. (Warning: Disturbing visuals)
No police on route to control incident
People travelling on the route filmed the shocking incident on their phone cameras and shared it online. The footage has now gone viral. Despite it being the main airport road, it is said that there were no cops present there to take charge of the incident. According to reports, the bikers were seriously injured and admitted to a nearby hospital.
Details about the accident
The accident took place near the Pride Hotel in the city's Rajiv Nagar when the car hit the bike carrying the rider and the pillion. Despite concerning injuries, both bikers have miraculously survived in a narrow escape from death.
Eyewitnesses told the media that the car was at a high speed and the driver rather made an effort to escape than assist the injured youths. As seen in the footage doing the rounds on the internet, the bike got stuck in the four-wheeler. The Sonegaon police have reportedly registered a case against the unknown car driver and are looking to nab the absconding accused at the earliest.