Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): The divisional-level review meeting of MP Jan Abhiyan Parishad (JAP) was held at MP Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR) here on Monday. The meeting was inaugurated by Vibhash Upadhyaya, vice-president of JAP, BR Naidu, director general of JAP, Dr Yatindra Singh Sisodia, director, MPISSR and Shivprasad Malviya division co-ordinator of JAP by performing Saraswati Pujan and lighting the lamp.
Upadhyaya said that JAP is now the nodal department of all NGOs. Similarly, it is a big task to prepare good active voluntary organisations by worrying about the role of voluntary organisations in promoting major schemes of the government. Naidu gave information about how district co-ordinators, block co-ordinators, new organisations and committees will upload their works on JAP’s portal and app. The work done at every level can be observed in the dashboard of the portal. Giving information about the upcoming action plan, he said that on June 21, Yoga Day will be organised from village level to the state level with Jan Abhiyan Parishad, Heart Fullness Institute and other major organisations working on yoga and meditation.
Dr Sisodia while giving training to district and block co-ordinators present in the meeting on the topic of CSR funds said how CSR activities through good voluntary organisations can be done. New dimensions of development can be created through CSR. In the inaugural session, introduction of the meeting was kept by Malviya, in which information about work review points was given.