Team India captain Rohit Sharma, on Sunday, was spotted at Kalina airport in Mumbai along with his wife Ritika Sajdeh and daughter Samaira. The right-handed batter was seen coming out of the airport with his family and heading for his car. Rohit will next be seen in action during the 2023 Asia Cup.
The Nagpur-born cricketer had visited Tirupathi Balaji temple with his wife and daughter as emerged in a video that went viral on Sunday. He was being escorted by a few police officials safely amongst the enormous crowd, given the fan following Rohit has.
Rohit Sharma rested as India lose the five-match T20I series to the West Indies:
Meanwhile, Team India have felt the absence of their regular captain, with the Men in Blue losing their first bilateral T20I series in six years to the West Indies. With Hardik Pandya struggling with the bat and using questionable tactics, the tourists lost the series decider as the West Indies chased down 170 with 8 wickets to spare.
With Rohit not playing two out of 3 ODIs in the West Indies, he would hope that the break allows him to peel off runs comfortably in the 2023 Asia Cup. Team India will begin their this year's Asia Cup campaign against Pakistan on September 2nd at Pallekele.
With the 2023 World Cup also looming, the right-hander will hope to put in a good show in the Asia Cup and carry it to the mega event on home soil.