The Gautam Buddh Nagar Police, on Friday, altered the traffic advisory regarding the movement of goods on expressways in Noida and Greater Noida until September 25th. The guidelines, which doesn't apply to essential items like milk, vegetables, and medicines, has come due to the Moto GP race in Greater Noida.
The statement details that the no-entry order will stay from 6 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 10 pm from Friday to Monday. The limits apply to the route that runs from Zero Point to the Buddh International Circuit along the first 25 km of the Noida-Greater Noida Motorway and another 10 km of the Yamuna Motorway. The police issued a detailed statement on Friday, which said:
"The no-entry order issued earlier has been amended for the purpose of Trade Show-2023 from September 21 to 25 and MotoGP event from September 22 to 24. Now, from September 22 to 25, the no entry (order) would be enforced from 6 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 10 pm."
Traffic police advises against the usage of google maps:
The traffic police also urged the travellers to use Mappls Map, My India app or Google Maps to avoid inconvenience. Alternatively, they can also get in touch on the helpline number 9971009001 for any inquiries.
The cops have highlighted that any violation of the guideline shall be punishable under Section 32 of the Police Act 1861.