Former Indian cricketer Vinod Kambli had left his fans stunned as a video of him looking disoriented and struggling to walk surfaced on social media. Despite the 52-year-old needing help from the bystanders to help him walk properly, Kambli asserted in another newest video that he is fine by God's grace. A few reports also suggested that he was drunk at the time.
In a video surfaced on social media, Kambli gave a thumbs up to his condition and said:
"By the grace of God, I am fit and fine and surviving."
Given the former cricketer's condition, Sachin Tendulkar, a close friend of Kambli, came into the spotlight as netizens urged to help him.
Vinod Kambli's career never took off despite a hugely promising start:
Meanwhile, the Mumbai-born ex-cricketer began his Test career, two years after Tendulkar made his maiden appearance in the format. It's worth noting that the left-handed batter had compiled two double-centuries and two single ones.
Nevertheless, Kambli wasn't disciplined enough and made as many as nine comebacks into the one-day side. He played his final Test aged 24 in 1995 and didn't play ODI cricket after 2000. The veteran retired from international cricket in 2009 and featured in his final professional game in any format five years earlier.