Guiding Light: Time To ‘Wake Up’

Guiding Light: Time To ‘Wake Up’

Time and again it has been said by many religious and spiritual preachers, that the world-situation would soon take a wide turn for the worse so much so that we will have to change our ways of living.

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 07:47 PM IST
1948–49- Israel’s War of Independence and the Palestinian Nakbah | representational pic/ Britannica

The current world events, especially growing border tensions between the two Asian countries reflect the present state of the world. The current events also show how egoism, confrontation and violence have become the rule of the day. Back here, there are deep inter-party dissensions, social rifts, ethnic bickering and economic divides, that has added a new dimension to the present Indian scene, which already showed signs of a disintegrating society. 

These are, in fact, un-resolvable because these are in-built and hence social scientists call them structural defects in the society which cannot be corrected unless the structure of the society is changed. However, those who are well-versed in spiritual knowledge, would have no difficulty in diagnosing the present maladies that afflict the world in general and the Indian nation in particular. They would understand that the present situation is due to gross selfishness and ego and lack of self-control, all of which are rooted in body-consciousness. 

If we look at these happenings from a spiritual point of view, then it becomes very clear as to why they are caused and what are their results. Time and again it has been said by many religious and spiritual preachers, that the world-situation would soon take a wide turn for the worse so much so that we will have to change our ways of living. A time would soon come when people would flock in large numbers to receive spiritual knowledge and that silence and yoga would become the highest power to cure mankind from all kinds of mental diseases. Looking at the series of events across the world, this situation seems to be arriving quickly. 

Hence, we must all prepare ourselves in advance for such a crisis. And for that we need to first of all pay greater attention towards self improvement. Our stage of purity and peace must get strengthened and become unshakable and we must pay full attention to the inculcation of all divine qualities, such as humility, patience, tolerance, contentment, honesty, sincerity, etc. We must not lag behind even in a single divine attribute, for our goal should be to become a paragon of virtue, or a divine being, who has all divine qualities. And for achieving this cherished goal, the time left before the social, economic and political situation goes out of the hands of man, is very less. Hence, if we don't wake up and speed up now, we will not be able to reach our goal.

Remember! The present disturbed conditions in the world are a warning bell to us to improve ourselves and to prepare well for the emerging situation.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at /


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