Easter 2023: All you need to know about the holy day

Easter 2023: All you need to know about the holy day

Why do we distribute special eggs on this day? Know details about Easter.

FPJ Web DeskUpdated: Saturday, April 08, 2023, 01:32 PM IST
Easter 2023: All you need to know about the holy day | Pixabay

Easter is also known as Resurrection Sunday. It is the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This year Easter falls on April 9.

History and Significance: Easter is the fulfilled prophecy of the Messiah who would be persecuted, die for the people’s sins and rise on the third day. Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross by the Romans because he claimed to be the “Son of God.”

However, some historians believe that the Romans may have viewed Jesus as a threat to the empire and hence, crucified him. According to the New Testament, Easter is three days after the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by a season of lent - a period of 40 days that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Good Friday. It is a period of fasting, prayer and penance.

The resurrection established Jesus as the son of God and is cited as proof that God will righteously judge the world. Any person who follows Jesus will receive eternal salvation and may dwell in the kingdom of heaven. It means that the followers of Jesus will be welcomed into heaven once their earthly life is over.

Easter Traditions

People usually celebrate the Easter season by going to church and hearing mass. During mass, the congregation lights candles from the fire of the Paschal candle.

The Paschal candle is the first candle to be lit with a flame from the sacred fire. It represents the light of Christ coming into the world. It represents the risen Christ - a symbol of light and life dispelling darkness and death.

Eggs were a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth. In Christianity however, Easter eggs symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus, from which Jesus resurrected. People celebrate with a huge feast of food and they distribute Easter Eggs - a dessert made out of marzipan or chocolate to one another.


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