An unfortunate industrial accident occurred at Shalimar Company, located at Gonde Phata on the Mumbai-Agra Highway, resulting in injuries to three workers. The incident took place while five to six workers were engaged in their duties, with three individuals sustaining varying degrees of injuries on Saturday.
The injured workers, identified as Chhotu Singh (26), Motu Singh (27), and Narayan Mali (38), were promptly attended to following the accident. Upon receiving the news of the incident, the free ambulance service provided by Jagadguru Narendracharya Maharaj Sansthan, stationed at Gonde Fata Spot, swiftly reached the accident site.
Subsequently, the injured individuals were immediately transported to a private hospital in Nashik for medical treatment.
Among the injured, two workers are reported to have sustained serious injuries, while one worker incurred minor injuries.
The exact cause of the accident is under investigation, and efforts are underway to ensure the well-being and recovery of the injured workers.