The Pune Crime Branch has initiated robust measures to counter the rising trend of vehicle theft in the city. Vigilance will be heightened across 72 identified hotspots prone to vehicle theft, with a focus on collecting information on known vehicle thieves and implementing necessary actions. Despite the crime rate remaining consistent with the previous year, a comprehensive master plan has been devised by various crime squads to proactively prevent vehicle theft. In a strategic meeting led by Police Commissioner Ritesh Kumar and Joint Commissioner Sandeep Karnik, specialised planning has been implemented to tackle this issue.
The city's inadequate public transport system has led to a prevalent preference for two-wheelers among citizens, resulting in vehicles being parked along roads and near buildings due to insufficient parking spaces. Seizing the opportune moment, thieves often engage in vehicle theft. In 2022, 1,734 cases of vehicle theft were reported, and as of November this year, the figure stands at 1,732. Recognising the similarities in the modus operandi of vehicle thefts, the crime branch has devised a comprehensive action plan to enhance recovery efforts.
Rural vehicle markets on RADAR
Acknowledging the financial burden faced by citizens due to vehicle theft, the crime branch has launched a special operation, prioritising the collection of information on accused individuals with a history of vehicle theft. The initiative focuses on improving recovery rates, verifying data of accused individuals, and analysing CCTV footage data dumps.
Given that a significant number of stolen vehicles end up being sold in rural areas, the Pune Police Crime Branch has turned its attention to related vehicle markets in these regions. A list has been compiled to monitor these markets, ensuring proper document verification during vehicle sales, checking for RTO passing, and verifying chassis and engine numbers. Strict warnings have been issued against those involved in buying and selling vehicles without proper documentation.