Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Monday said that many decisions are being taken to keep the common people at the centre and various benefits have been provided to more than one and a half crore citizens of the state and more than 22 lakh citizens of the Pune district under the 'Shasan Aaplya Dari' ('Government at Your Doorstep') initiative.
He was speaking at the 'Government at Your Doorstep' event organized in Jejuri where he personally handed over certificates and benefits to deserving beneficiaries as part of the 'Shasan Aaplya Dari' campaign. This initiative, which translates to 'Government at Your Doorstep,' aims to ensure efficient and direct delivery of services to the people.
Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, Higher and Technical Education Minister and District Guardian Minister Chandrakant Patil, Cooperative Minister Dilip Walse Patil, Legislative Council Deputy Chairman Dr Neelam Gorhe, Pune Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao were present at the event.
Shasan Aaplya Dari has started a people-oriented initiative: Shinde
Speaking at the event, Shinde said, "Shasan Aaplya Dari has started a people-oriented initiative and it is getting a good response from the citizens. Through this, the beneficiaries are getting the benefit of many schemes of the government. The administrative system has been speeded up through the campaign. This campaign has been implemented to provide the benefits of all the schemes in one place, which is a historic initiative."
"The government and administration are trying to reach the government schemes to a maximum number of people through the initiative of Shasan Aaplya Dari, the common citizens are being given the benefits of the schemes. The citizens will benefit from this scheme," he said.
A grand arrangement was also made today for the health check-up of the beneficiaries present at Jejuri Palkhital (Purandar) for the programme. The administration arranged buses to attend to the beneficiaries, blood pressure tests, BSL, Hemoglobin, SPOTU, etc., and necessary medicines were given to them.
Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Fadnavis said, a development plan of 350 crores was approved for Jejuri development, out of which the first phase work of 109 crores is starting. All the facilities will be made available for the devotees in the coming time.
Mentioning that the 'Government at Doorstep' initiative has been useful for the citizens, he said, there is no need to go to the government to benefit from the schemes of the government, now the government has come to our door.