After causing tension among residents of Nashik's Nanegaon, a leopard that had been prowling the area was successfully trapped in a cage set by the Forest Department on Monday morning. The villagers had been anxious due to the presence of the leopard, and efforts were made to capture it to ensure their safety.
For the past 15 days, farmers in Nanegaon had been facing challenges while working in their fields as the leopard had been seen around. This had affected their daily routines, whether it was filling water in the fields at night or working throughout the day. While the labourers were hesitant to come to the fields, the farmers continued their work, albeit with caution. In response to the concerns raised about the leopard, the Forest Department, at the request of Manohar Baban Shinde's group (Group Number 434), set up a cage in the leopard's territory.
After several days of effort, the leopard was successfully trapped in the cage. The three-year-old leopard was safely brought to the Gangapur Ropeway Park by Forest Officer Vijay Patil. Medical treatment will be provided, and the leopard will be released back into its natural habitat after full recovery.
This incident has brought relief to the farmers and residents of Nanegaon, who had been living in fear of the leopard. The timely action taken by the Forest Department has ensured the safety of both the wildlife and the local community.