In the Deccan Gymkhana area, the police apprehended an individual who was in possession of whale vomit, a substance highly valued in the international market with an estimated worth of Rs 5 crore. The arrested individual, identified as Vishwanath Ratan Gaikwad, aged 38 and a resident of Khopdenagar in Katraj, now faces charges under the Wildlife Act.
The police were tipped off by an informant near Cafe Goodluck in the Deccan Gymkhana area, who reported that Gaikwad was preparing to sell whale fish. Acting swiftly on this information, a police team set a trap and apprehended Vishwanath Gaikwad.
Upon inspecting Gaikwad's bag, they discovered the whale vomit. Realizing the potential value of this discovery, the police promptly alerted Krishna Hake, the guard of the Bhamburda forest division, who confirmed that the substance seized from Gaikwad was indeed whale vomit.
Whale vomit is a sought-after commodity in various industries, particularly in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. Additionally, whale meat holds a significant value in the international market. Typically found floating on beaches, this unique substance often resembles a stone-like material.