A team of students, named 'Eureka Envoys,' consisting of Pravin Shelke, Prasad Dhend, and Arya Mahadik from GH Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, secured the runner-up title and a cash prize of ₹15,000 for their startup 'Krushi Aadhaar' in the Ameothon GIAN Innovation Challenge held at IIM-Ahmedabad.
The startup addresses real-world challenges in the agriculture sector, showcasing the students' ingenuity and commitment. Mentored by Prof Swapni Mahajan, the team impressed the judging panel with their innovative approach, earning recognition and the second cash prize.
The startup also received support and recognition from Padmashree Anil Kumar Gupta, the founder of Honey Bee Network, further validating its potential and viability in the agriculture domain.
Dr RD Kharadkar, Campus Director, highlighted the institution's commitment to nurturing innovative and entrepreneurial talents among its students. "The success of 'Eureka Envoys' in the Ameothon GIAN Innovation Challenge reflects the college's dedication to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence," he said.
Sunil Raisoni, Chairman of Raisoni Group of Institutions, and Shreysh Raisoni, Executive Director of Raisoni Group of Institutions, extended their congratulations to everyone involved in the success of the startup.