Pune Divisional administration under the guidance of Divisional Railway Manager Indu Dubey is continuously striving to provide various basic facilities to its passengers during the journey and at the railway station.
In accordance with this, the facility of infant breastfeeding room has been made available at the ladies waiting room situated at Pune station platform number one. Chair, table, fan, light and other facilities are available in this room which has been set up separately in the waiting room and this room can be closed from inside and outside so that there is more safety.
Initiative Conducted In Collaboration With NGO
The facility of the room has been set up in collaboration with the NGO "Child Help Foundation" so that the ladies passengers waiting for the train at the station will feel safe and comfortable while feeding their children.
Under the guidance of Divisional Railway Manager Indu Dubey, Additional Divisional Railway Manager Brijesh Kumar Singh and leadership of Senior Divisional Commercial Manager Dr. Milind Hirve and in co-ordination with , Pune Station Director Madanlal Meena, the railway administration is at the forefront of such initiatives to provide basic facilities to its passengers.