Thane: In a shocking case that has surfaced from Maharashtra's Thane district, a man was arrested in Kalyan for allegedly cheating and duping several ATM customers of huge amount of money close to Rs. 8 lakh at ATM machines. @Mumbaikhabar9 has uploaded a video that shows a man helping two women to withdraw money from an ATM machine. The post says, "Watch this guy cheat couple of women in an ATM outside Kalyan station, On the name of helping them he sees their pin & hands them duplicate card & later withdraws huge sums. Deepak Jha having 16 such crimes to his name has been arrested & 72 cards were recovered from him."
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As per a report of Times Of India, "The arrested accused identified as Deepak Jha. He is resident of Ulhasnagar. Police said they are also looking for one more associate of Jha who is involved with him in the crime. The police have also recovered 92 ATM cards from the arrested accused." The police could nab the accused after two women approached them and brought the issue to their notice after falling prey to the intentions of the accused.
This is not the first such case that has surfaced in Thane. Just three days ago, the incident in which a 60-year-old businessman had lost Rs 14.80 lakh to scammers in an electricity bill fraud case had surfaced from Thane. The victim had received a text message informing him that his "electricity bill" had been unpaid. The scammers then induced the victim to download a remote access app on his phone and siphoned the money from his bank account. The victim was a resident of Kalyan.