Thane: The Kalyan Railway police have apprehended two history-sheeters in connection with the detonators case on Saturday. The accused have been identified as Joy David Kalwa alias Naidu, 23, a resident of Badlapur, and Rishikesh Devidas Nikumbh, 25, a resident of Bhiwandi.
The incident unfolded when a bag containing 54 detonators was discovered at the Kalyan railway station area on Thursday morning. Padhari Kande, Senior Police Inspector, stated, “The investigation is underway. We are conducting a technical investigation, considering the accused's history. Further information will be provided once the investigation is concluded.”
Bag Containing Detonators Spotted By Cleanliness Worker
The both accused allegedly stole a bag from a couple on the skywalk, took valuables and left the bag with the detonators at the railway station. According to sources boxes of detonators were spotted by a cleanliness worker who promptly alerted on-duty GRP personnel.
Following the report, a dog squad and the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) were swiftly dispatched to the scene. The BDDS team took control of the boxes, subsequently revealing the presence of 54 detonators inside. These small devices, containing a minimal amount of explosive material, pose serious safety concerns.
An official statement from authorities noted, "The Kalyan GRP has registered a case under relevant sections of the IPC against an unknown person, and investigations are underway." Senior police officials, including those from Thane city, visited the site to assess the situation.