Mumbai: In a case of one-sided love proving fatal in Kolsewadi area of Kalyan, a 20-year-old jilted lover allgedly killed a 12-year-old girl by stabbing her five to six times and later tried to commit suicide by drinking phenyl. However, the accused was caught by police. The incident took place in front of victim's mother. The accused has been identified as Aditya Kamble (20) and he has been admitted at nearby hospital by the police for treatment. The accused had also conducted a recce of the area before carrying out the stabbing and neighbours recall him asking about the girl. The accused man had reportedly asked people near the victim's house about the timing that the girl attended tution, school and other details.
An eyewitness said that the accused stabbed the girl multiple times and that she had screamed in agony.
Kalyan East Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ganpat Gaikwad said, "The incident is disgusting. The population is increasing in Kalyan area but the man power in police in Kalyan area is less for the population. We have demanded more police station so that such incidents does not repeat in future."
Gruesome murder
Pictures and visuals from the spot of crime showed the gruesome nature of the crime. The straircase where the girl was attacked had blood all over. There is also a packet of milk and other food items seen, which the girl was carrying to her home. Even the food item packets had blood stain.
The accused was held by police and in a video can be seen taken away by police. The incident sent shockwaves in the residential building and society residents were seen in a state of disbelief upon learning about the crime.