The Thane sessions court on Friday denied pre-arrest bail to Nitin Faria and Rasik Boricha, the owners of two popular saree shops in Thane, namely Savi and Rangoli. They are facing accusations of kidnapping and assaulting a businessman from Mulund. The court also rejected the bail application of their associate, Anil. The Vartak Nagar police have stated that they are preparing to arrest all three individuals in the near future.
On May 25, Faria, Boricha, and an accomplice reportedly abducted Bipin Karia (41), a businessman from Mulund, following a property dispute. They allegedly transported him in a car to a bungalow located in Yeoor Hills, where they subjected Karia to multiple assaults.
Sadashiv Nikam, the senior police inspector at Vartak Nagar police station, stated, "Following the complaint lodged by Karia, we have filed a case against five individuals, including Rasik, Nitin, and Anil, in connection with the reported incident of kidnapping and assault. Karia was abducted from the vicinity of Cadbury junction cycle stand and subsequently taken to Yeoor."
Nikam mentioned, "As per Karia's complaint, he alleged that the five individuals stripped him, brutally assaulted him with bamboo sticks, and issued threats to his life. They also forcefully took possession of his car."