In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a terrible tragedy was averted. Lata Sonawane, an MLA with the Shiv Sena's Eknath Shinde faction, had her car struck by a dumper. She fortunately narrowly escaped from the collision. On Saturday, the accident happened close to the village of Karanj on the Chopda-Jalgaon route in the Jalgaon taluka. MLA Lata Sonawane and her husband, former MLA Professor Chandrakant Sonawane, were travelling by car from Chopda to Jalgaon.
MLA suffers minor injuries
According to the report, MLA Lata Sonawane's Innova car was struck by a dumper travelling from the front while travelling from Chopda to Jalgaon with both just barely escaping. Both have rather minor wounds and her husband is now a patient in a hospital nearby.
Former MLA Chandrakant Sonawane has provided information regarding this incident. According to former MLA Chandrakant Sonawane, only luck kept us alive after this accident, which claimed one life.