Mumbai: The Pydhonie police on Monday arrested two individuals who allegedly murdered a 30-year-old man resident of Santacruz’s Kalina area. The arrested accused are identified as Shivjeet Surendra Singh and Jay Pravin Chawda, while the deceased victim is Arshad Ali Shaikh.
In a shocking revelation in the case, CCTV footages from platform number 11 of Dadar Station (C.R.) shows the accused, Jay Chawda, carrying the body of the deceased, Arshad Shaikh in a trolley bag.
Police Nabs Accused Red-Handed With Body
The matter first surfaced at the night during the route patrolling of Government Railway Police (GRP) on platform number 11 at Dadar railway station. The patrolling police officers noticed an individual who was struggling with a trolley bag he was carrying which seemed suspicious to them.
Upon inspecting the bag, they discovered a body inside, in a bloodied state with injury across the body. The police said that prima facie the body of the youth seemed to be between the ages of 30 to 35.
Shaikh Was Killed By Long-Time Friends
Shaikh was allegedly clobbered to death with a hammer by two speech-impaired persons, who were his long-time friends, at Pydhonie on Sunday night.
After the murder, the accused stuffed the body in a trolley bag and took it to the Dadar station in a taxi. After alighting, one of the accused fled while the other lugged the bag on the platform before boarding Tutari Express going to Sawantwadi.