In a chilling video that surfaced on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Sunday, a car can be seen crashing into a motorcycle on a highway in Maharashtra’s Palghar. As per reports, the fatal accident has left three individuals riding on the motorcycle injured, with no reported fatalities.
The accident occurred on the Boisar-Chilhar MADC Road, near Gundalejavla in Palghar. The entire incident was recorded on the dashboard camera of the four-wheeler.
In the video of the incident, a speeding car can be seen approaching an intersection on the highway when, all of a sudden, a two-wheeler appeared out of nowhere in its path, resulting in a severe collision. The force of the collision caused the three individuals on the motorcycle to be thrown off to the side, and the bike skidded away. A loud crash was heard, prompting bystanders to rush to the scene to offer assistance.
Watch the video here:
The motorcycle sustained significant damage in the accident, and two individuals suffered severe injuries, while one person sustained minor injuries. All three injured individuals are currently receiving medical treatment.
The entire incident has been captured on the dashboard camera of the four-wheeler, providing valuable evidence for further investigation. Local authorities are examining the footage to determine the exact cause of the accident and to establish any potential negligence on the part of either driver.