Navi Mumbai: Under the guidance of Ganesh Deshmukh, the Municipal commissioner of PMC, Deputy Commissioner Sachin Pawar reviewed the pre-monsoon preparation and directed officials to complete the works as early as possible. During the meeting, the pre-monsoon works and disaster management plan were reviewed.
Earlier, Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Vijay Vadettiwar had instructed all the civic bodies to carry out pre-monsoon works on a war footing amid early onset of the monsoon. He had asked to ensure that drains are cleaned, dilapidated buildings are evacuated and dangerous trees are cut and branches are pruned on time.
Deputy Commissioner Pawar asked officials to set up a control room, appoint coordinating officers, identify places to keep the citizens in case there is a calamity, and arrange basic needs and medical treatment facilities.
He also asked to complete drainage and chamber cleaning, and install pumps to prevent water accumulation during heavy rains.
The disaster management agencies of the municipality were instructed to start their preparations and strengthen them as soon as possible.