In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where the chaos of daily life intertwines with the rhythmic hum of commuter trains, a team of unsung heroes has emerged to ensure that the city's lifeline stays secure and orderly. This team goes by the name 'Batman' – an acronym for "Be Aware TTE Manning At Night" – and they are the vigilant Ticket Checking Staff of the Western Railway Mumbai Central division.
The 'BATMAN' squad
"The 'BATMAN' squad, as it is affectionately known by the frequent commuters, recently initiated an all-night ticket checking drive to tackle the issue of ticketless travel, especially during the night hours. Their mission is clear: to enforce the necessity of valid tickets for a safe and secure commuting environment," said an officer of WR adding that currently nearly 100 ticket checkers are the part of 'BATMAN' squad.
According to WR, operational during the night, the 'BATMAN' squad has already made a significant impact in the starting nights. Over the first two nights of the initiative, on the 11th/12th and 12th/13th of March 2024, they recorded a staggering 2345 cases of ticketless travel and other related offenses. The fines collected amounted to Rs 6,29,215, reflecting their commitment to maintaining order within the railway network.
"Their role extends beyond ticket checking"
"Members of the 'BATMAN' squad patrol on the suburban stations as well as in trains of the Western Railway-Mumbai Division with unwavering dedication. Their role extends beyond ticket checking; they act as vigilant guardians, watching for signs of trouble or suspicious activities. Through their interactions with passengers, the 'BATMAN' squad not only enforces rules but also educates commuters about responsible travel practices," further added WR official.
According to WR, the initiative has received notable appreciation from regular commuters, with a group of commuter even coining the name 'BATMAN' squad.' Women commuters, in particular, have expressed gratitude for the added security during nighttime travel.
According to Sumit Thakur – Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, The ‘BATMAN’ squad is trained to operate during night hours. The role of these ticket checking staff is to inspect trains and to be vigilant for any signs of trouble or suspicious activity. These staff with their presence, deter unauthorized travel in train, contributing to the overall efficiency of the system. Through their interactions with passengers, they also educate for responsible travel practice. This drive has been well appreciated by the regular commuters. Interestingly, the name ‘BATMAN’ for the night time ticket checkers was conceptualized by a commuter.