A CCTV footage of two young women entering a residential building in Juhu, Mumbai and latching the doors of flats from outside and ringing the doorbells has surfaced on social media. On Sunday, an X user, who goes by the name Shresht Poddar, shared the CCTV footage and narrated the incident on the micro-blogging site.
Poddar said that there have been multiple robbery attempts, electrical fires and killings in the vicinity, and that these problems have left the building residents, who are mostly above the age of 55, on edge.
"Last night at 2.30 am, multiple door bells freaked my mum and me out. CCTV had a memory issue so it was ‘offline’. No one could be seen from the windows," the X user stated in his post. "I fixed the CCTV in the morning. Surprisingly, there were 2 girls, seemingly drunk, spotting the CCTV, yet they proceed to go upstairs, check name plates, try & latch the doors from out, and continuously ring on doors."
Poddar went on to state that one of the two girls was "proudly recording herself" even though she saw that the CCTV were in place. "I’m pretty sure they thought this was super cool," he said.
Some X users agreed with Poddar that the incident can trigger safety concerns among the building residents.
"This could be disastrous. If there happens to be some fire then the residents would find themselves trapped with no way to save themselves. By the time help reached, it would have been too late. Definitely needs to be reported, as they have risked the lives of the residents of the building," said one user.
While other said, "Had this been committed in day time, it would have been a prank, mostly played by children. But it's well past midnight. It should be reported and followed properly. Women or no women. Drunk or otherwise. Period."
However, others said that the young women appeared to be having harmless fun.
"Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and it's important to approach conflicts with the goal of understanding and growth, rather than punishment," said one X user.
"Do you think it was necessary to put such small thing on Twitter..? Society problem Solve it in your society. Every Society have this problem. Nothing BIG," another user stated.
While Poddar alerted the Mumbai Police by tagging their X handle, no response the officials came at the time of the publishing.