Mumbai: A startling incident has unfolded in Mumbai, where on Sunday (March 10), a retired police constable's son was attacked by a group of five people in Dharavi. The attack reportedly occurred at Dharavi junction.
According to reports, five individuals assaulted the son of a retired police constable. They struck him with fists and batons, even resorting to hitting him with objects found nearby, such as tree branches and drums. As a result of this sudden attack, the young man sustained serious injuries. Following the attack, he was swiftly taken to a local hospital for medical treatment. This incident has been captured on the CCTV cameras installed in the vicinity.
Victim Identified As Son Of Retired Cop
According to reports citing the Dharavi Police Station authorities, the individual who faced the attack is the son of a retired police constable and some previous criminal cases have been filed against him. The five individuals responsible for assaulting the retired police officer's son are currently on the run. As per the information provided by the police, the suspects are residents of Mumbai, specifically from Pratiksha Nagar and Kidwai Marg. Multiple police stations across Mumbai have filed cases against these five individuals.
The Mumbai Police have described this incident as a premeditated attack. In this regard, the police have stated that the retired police officer's son and the five individuals who assaulted him are currently being investigated by various police stations in the city.
Case Filed In The Matter
The Dharavi Police are conducting a thorough investigation with the assistance of CCTV footage. The five individuals involved in the incident are soon to be apprehended. The nature of the injuries sustained by the injured youth is serious but stable. The Dharavi Police have registered a case under section 307 and have initiated a search for the five suspects.