On Sunday, Central Railways Mumbai Division's suburban services faced significant disruptions as two signal failures threw schedules into disarray, affecting more than 50 trains. The already challenging situation was compounded by scheduled mega blocks between Matunga and Thane UP and DN Slow Lines from 11.05 am to 3.35 pm on Sunday.
The first signal failure occurred around 2.45 pm on the UP fast line between Kanjur Marg and Vikhroli, leading to delays of nearly half an hour for passengers on the main line towards CSMT. The issue was resolved by 5.15 pm, but the backlog of delayed services lingered.
The second signal failure struck later in the day at Koper station around 6.15 pm. Sources revealed that a fire in the grass beside the track damaged a signal cable, rendering three signals near Koper station inoperative. Prompt action was taken by concerned officials who rushed to the site to commence restoration work.
A senior officer from Central Railways said, that restoration efforts are underway, and every attempt are being made to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Passengers expressed their frustration, citing inconveniences caused by the delays. With trains running behind schedule, the disruptions impacted the daily commute of numerous individuals relying on Central Railways services. The incidents highlight the vulnerability of railway infrastructure to unforeseen events, emphasizing the need for robust maintenance and proactive measures to prevent such disruptions.