Mumbai Airport authorities have registered a case against a man who allegedly traveled abroad by using a passport with an invalid date of birth. The accused identified as Asibul Saratim Shaikh hails from West Bengal. Asibul Saratim Shaikh arrived at Mumbai International Airport from Riyadh after being deported by Saudi Arabia Immigration.
The Mumbai Immigration officers started their investigations which subsequently revealed the date of birth shown on his Aadhar card was January 1st, 1993; whereas the date of birth on his passport revealed it to be January 1st, 1988.
Accused confesses to forgery
During the ongoing investigation, he confessed that he wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for a job. Since he was not yet 21 years old back then, he took the help of an agent. The agent made a passport with a false date of birth and with fake documents. He subsequently went to Saudi Arabia using a fake passport made by the agent. Later, when he wanted to come back to India, he could not do so because the owner of the place where he worked withheld his passport. However, Asibul obtained an emergency certificate and returned to India. He later obtained a new passport from the Kolkata passport office using his false date of birth.
Saudi immigration officer caught Shaikh
He visited Saudi Arabia again and returned to India in 2017. On September 6, 2023, Asibul Saratim Shaikh ran into bad luck when Saudi Immigration Officers caught him with a passport with an invalid date of birth in Riyadh and deported him back to India. Mumbai Airport authorities subsequently registered a case against him under sections 420, 465, 468, and 471 of the IPC Act and section 12 of the Passport Act at Sahara police station.