Gamdevi Police has solved the case of theft of diamond jewelery worth Rs 55 lakh stolen from the house of a businessman. Police have recovered jewelery worth Rs 40 lakh from the adapter of the DJ's sound system.
According to information received from Gamdevi police, a businessman living on Peddar Road had complained to the police that diamond jewelery worth Rs 55 lakh was stolen from his house on August 3.
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When the police investigating the case interrogated all the domestic servants working in the businessman's house, they came to know that Mohan Mukhiya, who had worked for six to seven months, had recently left the job. When the police started collecting information about him, from Mohan's call data records, the police found his location in Punjab.
When the police reached Punjab to search for the Mukhiya, they found out that he had come to the village and stayed for a while and then left. After this, when the police inquired about Mohan's friends and relatives, they came to know about Bhagwan Mukhiya (25).
Police arrested Bhagwan, who worked for a DJ in Bihar, and revealed the involvement of Lalu Mukhiya (40), a sweeper in a building on Peddar Road. Lalu was also arrested and admitted that he sold the remaining jewelery worth Rs 15 lakh in Lucknow. Lalu had got this jewelery from the main accused Mohan Mukhiya.The police have also recovered this jewellery.
Recovery of Stolen Jewelry Concealed in DJ Sound System Adapter
A police officer said that during interrogation, Bhagwan admitted that Mohan had given him the stolen jewellery. She confessed that she had hidden the jewelery in an adapter attached to a sound system used by deejays.
Police said that out of the theft of jewelery worth Rs 55 lakh, jewelery worth Rs 40 lakh has been recovered. The mastermind of this theft, Mohan Mukhiya, is absconding and the police is searching for him.Mohan and Bhagwan Mukhiya are cousins.