Mumbai: The Mumbai police have cracked down on the sale of counterfeit beauty products, seizing fake items worth Rs1.41 crore. The Crime Branch Unit received information from reliable sources about the sale of counterfeit beauty products from Mahim's Reti Bunder area. Acting swiftly on the tip-off, the police laid a trap on June 7 and apprehended one of the accused.
A tempo loaded with fake beauty products, including popular brands like Lakme, Huda Beauty, and Maybelline, was seized, consisting of 4,608 products with an estimated value of Rs18 lakh.
Accused confesses during interrogation
During the interrogation, the detained individual confessed to having a significant stock stored in godowns located in Nalasopara, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Gujarat, and Delhi. During the raid, the Crime Branch discovered a factory operating in two godowns in Nalasopara, where they seized embossed machines, compact powder machines, and raw products, collectively valued at Rs1.41 crore. The Mumbai police have t have filed a case against the accused under IPC Section 420 (cheating) and the relevant provisions of the Copyright Act.