Mumbai: The posh Otters' Club in Bandra (W) is embroiled in a huge controversy. A member has complained that a staffer had sexually molested his minor son. The staffer has been arrested under POCSO and is currently in custody of the Bandra police station.
The club secretary, Sunil Motwani, has denied the incident. A member of the club's disciplinary committee said on Friday that several weeks ago, the child had ordered food at the club. The food was late in coming and he went to the kitchen where the accused, who is a kitchen cashier, told him to step out. The accused is an employee of the catering contractor. However, the child reportedly refused, at which point the cashier jostled him out.
Parents File Police Complaint
Apparently he poked him with his finger during the jostling, it is alleged. When the parent complained to the club management it called for the CCTV footage but did not find any evidence of sexual assault, except for him evicting the boy. As a matter of abandon precaution, the club wrote to Bandra police detailing the incident. However, the child's father was told by the victim that he was inappropriately touched. Accordingly he filed a police complaint. Meanwhile, the club has alleged that the parent badly assaulted the accused outside the club premises.