Mumbai: The Gadchiroli police in a joint operation with Chhattisgarh police had engaged in an exchange of gunfire with naxals near the Gadchiroli-Bijapur Border. After heavy exchange of fire between police parties and naxals, during the search of the area carried out subsequently, large amount of naxal literature, 4 pitthus bags, one mobile phone, tarpaulin sheets, utensils and other items etc have been seized by the joint team.
According to the police, a credible intelligence was received by Gadchiroli Police on Tuesday night about presence of camp of 20-25 Sandra Local Organisational Squad (LOS) and other naxal formations north of Bhopalapatnam, Bijapur District, Chhattisgarh, along Gadchiroli-Bijapur Border.
Joint police team with commandos attacked naxals
Immediately the intelligence was shared and discussed with Superintendent of Police (SP) Bijapur. A joint team headed by Additional SP Aheri Yatish Deshmukh and nine C-60 parties of approximately 200 C-60 commandos and Deputy SP of Bijapur Police and 70 District Reserve Group (DRG) commandos were tasked to do a combing operation in the probable location.
Naxal literature among other items seized
"While the joint teams were combing the area late Wednesday evening, naxals opened indiscriminate firing on police parties which was retaliated by joint police teams. After heavy exchange of fire between police parties and naxals, during the search of the area carried out subsequently, large amount of naxal literature, 4 pitthus bags, one mobile phone, tarpaulin sheets, utensils and other items etc have been seized by the joint team. The joint team safely reached Camp Bhopalapatnam later and process of registering the offence is underway at Bhopalapatnam Police Station, Bijapur," said SP Gadchiroli Neelotpal.