Mumbai: The Paydhoni police have filed a case against an unknown cyber scammer for duping a manager of the Indian Overseas Bank of Rs18.13 lakh, who claimed association with a manufacturing firm Sunshine Industry.
According to the police, complainant Surekha Kudle, 38, manager of Indian Overseas Bank, Mandhvi branch, lodged a complaint stating that a person named Shailendra Gupta contacted her, claiming affiliation with Sunshine Industry, a bank customer.
Gupta expressed his intention to place an FD of Rs2 crore in the bank and inquired about interest rates and necessary forms. Following this conversation, Gupta requested an urgent transfer of funds from Sunshine Industry’s account to another account due to an alleged shortage of cheque books.
Relying on Gupta’s instructions, Kudle executed two transfers totalling Rs18.13 lakh from Sunshine Industry’s account to Gupta’s designated account. When Sunshine Industry received notification of the transfers, they contacted the bank, discovering the fraudulent transactions.