Mumbai: A 44-year-old man lost Rs76 lakh in a single day after falling prey to KYC update fraud. In his police complaint, the Dombivli resident said that he received a WhatsApp message from an unknown number more than two weeks ago. The sender asked him to update his PAN card to prevent his bank account from getting blocked.
Later in the day, the complainant got a call from the con who posed as the bank official. The latter told the man to install an app for updating KYC, and then sent a malicious link. He downloaded the app, unknowing that it gave fraudsters remote access to his phone. Soon after, Rs76 lakh got debited in 30 transactions.
The complainant had provided the contact numbers used by the scammers and the fraudulent transaction details to the police. A case has been filed under sections 66C (punishment for identity theft), 66D (cheating by personation by using computer resource) of the Information Technology Act.