Mumbai: In a distressing turn of events, Sakshi Darekar, a resident of Parel locality in South Mumbai, was devastated to discover that her beloved adopted stray dog, Raja, was brutally killed in the compound of a municipal school in the area earlier last week.
Darekar had been vocal about the illegal production and sale of liquor from the school compound, leading to tensions with the local liquor mafia. She had also lodged multiple complaints with the authorities regarding this issue.
Following the tragic incident of her adopted pet's death, Darekar filed a First Information Report (FIR) at the Bhoiwada police station, expressing her belief that the liquor mafia was responsible for Raja's cruel death. According to the police complaint, Raja's legs were tied up and he appeared to have been beaten with sticks or a heavy object.
Darekar, in her social media post, revealed that she had received threats from individuals associated with the liquor racket, warning her to cease her complaints. However, she never imagined they would resort to harming her beloved pet. She, while uncontrollably sobbing over her tragic loss stated a man working with a political party has involvement in this heinous murder.
Legal Action Taken In The Matter
While the FIR currently lists the offenders as 'unknown,' senior police inspector Sudhir Kudalkar, founder of the PAL (Pure Animal Lovers) group, expressed his suspicions and emphasized the need for a thorough investigation.
Darekar speculated that Raja may have been targeted in retaliation for her absence, allowing the perpetrators an opportunity to exact revenge without fear of immediate repercussions.
Authorities are conducting further inquiries into the matter to identify and apprehend the perpetrators responsible for this heinous act of animal cruelty.