Mumbai: In the wake of recent fire incidents in high-rises, the Mumbai fire brigade has appealed to residential buildings and commercial establishments to submit ‘Form B’ on the BMC’s website.
The certificate indicates that the firefighting system in their buildings is in working condition. Non-compliance would attract action, fire officials have warned.
Robust internal firefighting system
The city is seeing a rapid growth in 60-70-floor buildings. In such cases, a robust internal firefighting system is the only way to fight fires. However, when these systems are non-functional, the fire brigade has to depend on its fire fighting equipment.
According to the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006, it is mandatory for owners/occupiers to furnish ‘Form B’ issued by a licensed agency twice a year, in January and July. This pertains to the maintenance of existing fire prevention and life safety measures in the structure.
39% high rises' fire systems non-operational
However, despite repeated reminders to comply with the Act, some societies fail to do so. Over the last two years, it has been observed that firefighting systems of 39% high-rises are non-operational. A fire official said people spend a humongous amount of money on interiors but compromise their safety.
The fire brigade department conducts fire safety week from April 14-20. An official said they will create awareness among citizens about fire safety and precautionary measures.