Mumbai: The BMC has instructed the civic health department to release the pending salaries and incentives of 259 doctors and nurses who have been appointed at the Hindu Hridaysmarat Balasaheb Thackeray (HBT) clinics. This comes after the civic body received several complaints from doctors about not getting salaries for the last three months.
Additional Municipal Commissioner Dr Sanjeev Kumar said they have met all ward officers regarding salary issues faced by doctors and instructions have been given to release pending salaries.
2 months dues pending
“We have given salaries to all doctors until December last year. However, dues for the last two months are pending,” he said.
An HBT clinic doctor’s salary is around Rs70,000 per month and they are paid an incentive of Rs40 per patient if they see more than 50 patients a day. At present, close to 120 doctors are working in the 107 HBT clinics. HBT is among the civic body’s most ambitious healthcare projects aimed at strengthening primary healthcare across the city.
A senior doctor from the civic health department said HBT clinics have received a good response since they started as more than 100 patients visit each clinic every day.