The Tardeo police have arrested seven people associated with various gangs who had purchased tickets, each costing Rs5,000, with the explicit intention of stealing mobile phones during the two-day musical extravaganza, Lollapalooza, held at Mahalaxmi Race Course. It was revealed that the accused had specifically travelled to the event with the motive of targeting and looting participants.
According to Tardeo police sources, the weekend music event drew thousands of attendees, with Saturday and Sunday featuring vibrant music programs. Amidst the enjoyment of music enthusiasts, police successfully arrested the seven thieves.
Details of the case
The police revealed that several attendees had entered Lollapalooza with the motive of stealing, and the arrests were facilitated through the examination of CCTV footage. So far, seven seven have reported mobile phone thefts, predominantly involving iPhones. Additionally, a camera was reported stolen during the event.
The accused hail from various locations, including Delhi, Malwani, and Mumbra. Notably, they had purchased event tickets, indicating premeditated criminal intent. Among those arrested are Tanveer Dambra from Malwani, and those from Delhi – Vikas Jha, Salim Sayyad, and Imran Liyakat Ali, as well as Munir Kapadia, Suffiya Qureshi, and Umar Shaikh from Mumbra.
Lollapalooza India, a globally renowned music festival, made its mark in Mumbai this time, featuring renowned bands and singers from around the world. The two-day concert held at Mahalaxmi Race Course on January 27 and 28 witnessed a diverse lineup, attracting music enthusiasts from far and wide.