Mumbai: Around 33 residents, including two newborns, were rescued from a building after a fire broke out on Saturday morning. The incident was reported at 8.50am from the ground-plus five-storey Saki co-op housing society in D'souza compound, Saki Naka, Andheri East. Although it was a minor blaze, the smoke had spread to the first floor, obscuring the path of residents trying to escape. Fortunately, nobody was injured in the mishap.
The fire erupted in the electric meter box located on the ground floor and subsequently engulfed electric wiring and installation, and panel boards. The officials of Mumbai fire brigade rushed to the spot with a water tanker and an ambulance.
The officials of Mumbai fire brigade rushed to the spot with a water tanker and an ambulance. | Salman Ansari
Residents stranded due to dense smoke logged in the staircase
As the terrace was also locked, the residents were stranded due to dense smoke logged in the staircase. “As a result, we had to cut the window grill of the first floor flat to enter the house and bring down the residents by using a ladder. The fire was brought under control by disconnecting the power supply to the building,” said a fire official present at the spot.
The blaze, which was declared as level 1 was brought under control within two hours. | Salman Ansari
The blaze, which was declared as level 1 (minor fire), was brought under control within two hours. As per the fire officials, 11 women, 16 men and six children were rescued safely from the building. The exact cause behind the mishap is yet to be ascertained.