Mumbai: A 20-year-old nursery teacher from Parel assaulted two female ticket checkers (TCs) at Ghatkopar railway station on August 7 after her ticket was found to be backdated. The commuter, Dilnaz Ankleshria, claimed that the ticketing clerk issued a ticket dated August 6. She later tried to pay a fine of Rs 360 via GPay but the app didn’t load due to a technical issue, following which she lost her temper and assaulted the TCs.
The two Central Railway TCs – Archana Khatpe, 47, and Sangita Mandhare, 45 – approached Kurla railway police station and lodged a complaint against Ankleshria, who was issued a notice under section 132 (assault or criminal force to deter a public servant from discharging their duty) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. The complainant in the matter is Khatpe.
On Wednesday, between 3.30pm and 4.00pm, Khatpe, Mandhare and another TC boarded a slow local train at Bhandup headed towards CSMT. During the ticket check, Khatpe found Ankleshria travelling without a ticket. Ankleshria claimed she had bought a ticket but the clerk issued one dated August 6.
Ankleshria, who was travelling to Parel, alighted at Ghatkopar and attempted to pay the fine via GPay, which also encountered technical issues. The argument escalated and Ankleshria slapped and kicked Khatpe and Mandhare in the stomach.
Ankleshria claimed she was willing to pay the fine but the TCs forced her to go to the railway police.