Mumbai: First installment of 'Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana' is likely to be released on August 17 in the bank of poor women of Maharashtra. According to sources the discussion was also held in the state cabinet. The first installment of Rs 3,000 under the scheme will be credited to eligible women’s bank accounts on August 17. This is expected to provide a significant boost to women just before Raksha Bandhan.
The Maharashtra government has extended the application deadline for the "Mazi Ladki Bahin Yojana" until August 31, 2024, following a high volume of applications. Over one crore applications have already been received, and the influx continues as women across the state apply for the scheme.
The government plans to distribute these funds through a grand event on the same day, with Chief Minister Shinde and both Deputy Chief Ministers scheduled to attend. Additionally, district guardian ministers will oversee the distribution in their respective areas. The government has kept aim of disbursing the first installment to between two to 2.5 crore women across the state.
Statistics on applications received at the taluka, district, and state levels are being compiled. This includes data on approved, pending, and rejected applications. Errors in pending applications are being corrected to facilitate approval, while those rejected will be given another opportunity to reapply.
To date, 1.4 crore applications have been submitted, with the review of one crore applications already completed. State government has claimed that it has approved one crore five lakh applications were approved in last two days on Nari Shakti app which is dedicatedly created for the enrollment of women under the scheme.
The "Mazi Ladki Bahin Yojana," announced by the state government in anticipation of the upcoming Assembly elections, has now begun its implementation. The first installment of Rs 3,000, combining payments for July and August, will be directly deposited into the beneficiaries’ bank accounts on August 17, in alignment with Raksha Bandhan celebrations.