A statement issued by the Eknath Shinde government after a cabinet meeting in Mumbai on Thursday announced that under the 'Ladki Bahin' scheme, Rs4,887 crore have been credited to the bank accounts of 1.59 crore women so far. The assistance has been distributed in two phases, July and August, with each phase delivering Rs3,000 directly into the beneficiaries' bank accounts via Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
The scheme aims to provide benefits to 2.5 crore women, and the deadline for enrolling has been extended to September 30, it added.
Revenue Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil informed that money will be credited to the eligible women's account regularly but in October contribution of November will be credited because of the election code of conduct.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, the cabinet witnessed a clash between the ruling partners, Shiv Sena and the NCP, over the 'Ladki Bahin' scheme. Shiv Sena ministers complained that Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and his colleagues were not using the Chief Minister's name while promoting the scheme.
Ajit Pawar was absent from the meeting due to health reasons. However, it was decided that Ajit Pawar and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde would discuss the matter and find a solution to the issue.
Elaborating on this issue, Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Shirsat said, “While being in the Mahayuti, it is essential to advance the government's schemes together. It is not appropriate to sometimes refer to the scheme only as 'Ladki Bahin' and at other times as 'Dada's scheme'.”
For several days now, Ajit Pawar has been on a statewide public outreach tour, vigorously promoting the 'Ladki Bahin' scheme, especially in the context of upcoming elections.
Other cabinet decisions
Land for a new fisheries college in Amravati
Aid to coop cotton mills in Shevgaon
revised allowances for judicial officers in labour courts
Hingoli will be designated as an independent judicial district