The Mira Bhayandar Vasai Virar Police have arrested two youth in Bhayandar for allegedly molesting a minor and coercing her to convert to Islam and elope with them. The offenders identified as Munawwar Ansari, 20, and his friend Azim Nasuri, 19, have been arrested and booked under sections 354, 354 (a), 506 of the IPC and under the provisions of the stringent Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO)-2012.
According to the police, the suspects stalked the 13-year-old girl who was subjected to eve-teasing since June 1. On the night of June 12, the youth accosted her and forcefully took her to the terrace of a building and allegedly molested her.
According to the minor's complaint, one of the offenders gave her a burkha, chain and ring and asked her to elope with him. When the girl refused, the suspect threatened her with a toy gun. Terrified, the girl rushed home and revealed her ordeal to her parents who immediately registered a complaint at the local police station.
Both the suspects have been arrested and remanded into custody. While further investigations were on, the police refused to divulge more details owing to the sensitivity of the case.