The Maharashtra police have so far seized drugs worth Rs50,000 crore during raids on various locations and were determined to curb the drug menace, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis informed the State Legislative Assembly on Friday.
Fadnavis's reply during question hour
Replying to Mufti Mohammad Ismail Abdul Khalique (Malegaon) and others during Question Hour, Fadnavis said the government was taking stringent measures to check the spread of drug menace and taking action not only against the drug peddlers but also against the entire network right to the bottom wrung.
Elaborating on the modus operandi, Fadnavis said drugs were being manufactured at homes and supplied through courier agencies. The matter of rampant narcotic drug sales and the involvement of courier companies had come up in the state legislative council, too.
Govt keeping watch on courier companies
He said the government was keeping a watch on the courier companies that supplied drugs after digital payments were made. The government was in the process of acquiring the latest gadgets that can detect drugs which are nowadays concealed in the bottom and containers filled with other legal stuff on the top.
Speaking on the Lalit Patil drug case, Fadnavis said the government has taken action against policemen involved in protecting him and they have been dismissed from service. The Dean of the Medical College and others have been placed under suspension for sheltering Patil.