Leader of Opposition in the Maharashtra legislative Assembly, Vijay Wadettiwar, on Wednesday lashed out at the state government over long queues for entry to Mantralaya and added that people have to wait for hours because the government’s flagship programme ‘Shasan Aplya Daari’ (government at your doorstep) has failed miserably.
“That is the reason why people have to come to the doors of the government,” he said, adding that it is unfortunate that citizens are made to suffer. He said, “The state government fears agitation at Mantralaya and hence they have made strict rules for entry to the building, which in turn leads to long queues outside the gates. But this is a clear sign of the failure of the state government.”
"Spend money on people's work not publicity"
Lashing out at the government for fanfare around the programme, Wadettiwar said that it is being implemented only for publicity. “Instead the government should spend crores of rupees on people’s work. That way they won’t have to come to Mantralaya and suffer,” he said. “Due to stringent rules for entry to Mantralaya, thousands of people are made to wait in long queues till late in the evening, at the closing of the day. Many return disheartened due to this approach of the government,” Wadettiwar said.